
인도 에어버스 500억달러 계약체결

GODblessus 2023. 6. 20. 19:37



인도-에어버스 역사상최대 500억달러 초대형계약체결ㄷ - 군사 마이너 갤러리

https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2023/6/19/paris-air-show-kicks-off-with-record-order-from-indias-indigo Paris



📺뉴스] 인도-에어버스 역사상최대 500억달러 초대형계약체결ㄷ

 2023.06.20 13:11:43
조회 4850 추천 21 댓글 27






파리에어쇼에서 프랑스가 주도하는 유럽항공방산업체인 에어버스가 a320, 320네오, 320XR로 구성되는 여객기 500기로 구성되는 500억달러(한화 65조원) 이상의 가치를 지닌 역사상 최대의 항공계약을 성사시켰음.


파리 에어쇼, 인도 IndiGo의 기록적인 주문으로 개막

Airbus는 단일 통로 항공기에 대한 수십억 달러 규모의 계약을 따냈습니다. 항공기 수로는 사상 최대 규모입니다.




에어버스는 인도의 인디고(IndiGo)에 500대의 소형 항공기를 판매하는 수백억 달러 규모의 거래를 성사시킨 후 역사상 가장 큰 항공기 주문을 확보했습니다.


에어버스의 A320 제트기 제품군에 대한 계약은 항공기 수 기준으로 최대 규모이며 경쟁사인 에어인디아가 2월에 주문한 에어버스 및 보잉 항공기 470대를 능가합니다 . 또한 IndiGo의 현재 항공기 300대보다 큽니다.


세계 최대 항공기 제조업체는 부활하는 승객 수요 속에서 4년 만에 처음으로 열리는 2년마다 개최되는 파리 에어쇼 첫날 경영진이 발표한 거래의 재무 세부 사항을 공개하지 않았습니다.


IndiGo의 CEO인 Pieter Elbers는 "아무도 이 정도 규모의 주문을 한 적이 없습니다"라고 말하면서 "인도 항공의 잠재력과 IndiGo가 갖고 있는 야망을 말해줍니다"라고 덧붙였습니다.


-참고로 이건 협동체 계약이고 광동체 여객기는 따로 협상해서 구매할거라고함 ㄷㄷ


초대형 대박터진 프랑스-유럽..


방산은 절대로 민간영역을 이길 수 없다ㄷㄷ















전체 댓글 27
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      당연한거 아님 ? 저 계약에 참여 가능한게 보잉 에어버스뿐이잔아 짱깨가 왜 ?

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Paris Air Show kicks off with record order from India’s IndiGo

Airbus won the multibillion-dollar deal for single-aisle planes – the largest ever by number of aircraft.

IndiGo's deal highlights the growing importance of India, the world's fastest-growing aviation market, serving the largest population, to planemakers [Lewis Joly/AP Photo]
Published On 19 Jun 2023

Airbus announced a record 500-plane deal with Indian airline IndiGo on day one of the Paris Air Show on Monday, as strong demand for jets and missiles vied for attention with the industry’s supply chain problems.

The multibillion-dollar deal for single-aisle planes – the largest ever by number of aircraft – eclipsed Air India’s provisional purchase of 470 Airbus and Boeing jets earlier this year.

The world’s largest air show, which alternates with Farnborough in Britain, is at Le Bourget for the first time in four years after the 2021 edition fell victim to the coronavirus pandemic.

French President Emmanuel Macron flew to the packed aerospace bazaar by helicopter and watched a flying demonstration including Airbus’s latest jet development, the A321XLR, and air power including the French Rafale fighter.

On the civilian side, planemakers arrived with growing demand expectations as airlines try to keep up with demand and work to reach industry goals of net zero emissions by 2050.

But they also face a challenge to meet that demand as suppliers struggle with rising costs, parts shortages and a scarcity of skilled labour in the wake of the pandemic.

Industry executives say as many as 2,000 jet orders are up for grabs worldwide in a resurgent commercial jet market, on top of those provisionally announced already, as airlines try to fill a void left by sharp falls in activity during the COVID-19 crisis.

Only a portion of these potential fresh deals will be ready in time for this week’s air show, which could see a mixture of new and repeat announcements, they said.

IndiGo’s deal highlights the growing importance of India, the world’s fastest-growing aviation market, serving the largest population, to planemakers.

“This is just the beginning: There’s more going forward. With the growth of India [and] the growth of the Indian aviation market … this is the right time for us to place this order,” IndiGo Chief Executive Pieter Elbers told a news conference.

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In another key market, Airbus said Saudi budget airline Flynas had firmed up an order for 30 of its A320neo-family narrow-body aircraft.

Defence deals

The air show is taking place under the shadow of the conflict in Ukraine, with no Russian presence in the chalets and exhibition halls in contrast to the last event four years ago.

Some Ukrainian officials and aerospace firms were expected to be present at the show.

On the defence side, Belgium said it would apply to join as an observer in a new fighter-jet project that may be the potential successor to the Rafale and multinational Eurofighter despite differences between industrial partners over whether to expand the project. Dubbed the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), the initiative involves cooperation between France, Germany and Spain.

France’s Thales also announced a contract from Indonesia for 13 long-range air surveillance radars.

Looking ahead to the rest of the show, Airbus is expected to confirm that Qantas is exercising options for nine more A220s, as announced by the airline this year.


The planemaker is also close to a potentially large order for narrow-body jets from Mexican low-cost carrier Viva Aerobus, Reuters news agency reported on Sunday, citing industry sources.

The number of planes being discussed was more than 100, they said, though by Monday some sources said the number in the final deal could settle closer to 60.

The Mexican carrier has long been a fierce battleground between Boeing and Airbus.